The transformation of tech PR in the Netherlands

Over the past decade or so, tech PR in the Netherlands transformed. A couple of developments changed the lives of PR professionals and technology companies that are active in the Netherlands. 

The once potent technology press is now far thinner on the ground. With fewer tech journalists around, well-informed local bloggers have become the key influencers.

Media move online and focus more on local stories

The shift to online and the focus of Dutch IT press on locally relevant stories and thought leadership articles had its impact on PR strategies for technology companies in the Netherlands. PR tactics needed to be more local, less product focused and more about story telling than before.

Most deep technical publications disappeared

In the past decade, the Dutch tech media landscape has changed significantly. Many ‘print only’ trade publications – mostly technical titles – disappeared. Editorial teams of general IT trade outlets shrunk. And overall, the number of relevant technology publications dropped.

Tech bloggers and blogger communities increasingly active and influential and part of the PR mix

From discussions with European tech PR professionals in the UK and other key European markets, bloggers were making their way into the PR mix and becoming an important key influencer target group for many technology companies. Shortly after the ‘fall’ of the technical trade publications in the Netherlands, the local blogger communities became more active and visible and were also reaching audiences beyond the national borders.

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